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NATO2030: NATO PA Standing Committee provides input for the Group of Experts

22 members of the NATO PA Standing Committee from 15 Allied nations met with the Experts supporting the NATO Secretary General’s NATO 2030 reflection process, launched at the December 2019 NATO Leaders Meeting in London. NATO PA President Attila Mesterhazy (Hungary) moderated the exchange, together with the co-chairs of the Group of Experts, Dr Thomas de Maizière of Germany and A. Wess Mitchell of the United States.

“NATO 2030 offers a genuine and valuable opportunity to lay out a vision for NATO’s future and, in particular, strengthen the Alliance’s political dimension.” President Mesterhazy underlined.

“Today, the national delegations to the Assembly and our elected leadership shared their views on the priorities for NATO 2030, with a particular focus on where the Assembly can support and complement NATO. My colleagues and I provided concrete ideas on how NATO can ‘stay strong militarily, be more united politically, and take a broader approach globally’ – to borrow the words of Secretary General Stoltenberg,” President Mesterhazy said.

“Going forward, the Assembly intends to play its full part in the process as an essential link between NATO and the parliaments of the Allied nations, a committed promoter and defender of the values at the heart of the Alliance, and a valuable platform for open and frank political dialogue on transatlantic security. A key part of NATO 2030 is ensuring that the citizens of the Alliance we represent better understand how NATO defends their security today and for tomorrow,” the President underlined.

To support the NATO 2030 reflection process, the Assembly is also conducting a survey of its member delegations’ priorities and will submit written contributions to both the Experts and the NATO Secretary General.

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