I treat requests from people with vision problems with special reverence. The situation is close and understandable to me personally. Complaints from older people about too small a font in the instructions for medications were taken into account at an accelerated pace. Of course, we ourselves can provide people with magnifying glasses with the party logo, but this is by no means systematic.
The Liberal Democratic Party is introducing a law today to increase the font size in the instructions for medicines. We believe that the font size should be at least 12 points. This will make information more accessible and will not affect the increase in the cost of drugs, since there will be no need to increase packaging due to large instructions. Now pensioners can’t understand anything because they don’t see 8 point. It’s easier for young people; you can find instructions on the Internet. And the older generation requires special care.
In matters of health and medicine, there cannot be small questions and small font sizes. The state is obliged to provide all conditions for the comfort, safety and health of its citizens. Savings are inappropriate here.