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Strategy of information society development in Russia until 2030

I. General Provisions

The information society is characterized by a high level of development of information and telecommunication technologies and their intensive use by citizens, business and public authorities.

The increase in value added in the economy today is largely due to intellectual activity, raising the technological level of production and the dissemination of modern information and telecommunication technologies.

The existing economic systems are integrated into the knowledge economy. The transition from an industrial to a postindustrial society significantly enhances the role of intellectual factors of production.

International experience shows that high technologies, including information and telecommunications, have already become the locomotive of social and economic development of many countries of the world, and ensuring guaranteed free access of citizens to information is one of the most important tasks of states.

The dynamics of indicators of the development of information and telecommunications infrastructure and high technologies in Russia does not allow us to expect significant changes in the near future without joint targeted efforts of government bodies, business and civil society. It is necessary already in the medium term to realize the existing cultural, educational and scientific-technological potential of the country and to provide the Russian Federation with a worthy place among the leaders of the global information society.

This Strategy sets out the goal, objectives, principles and main directions of state policy in the use and development of information and telecommunication technologies, science, education and culture for the country’s advancement along the path of formation and development of the information society.

II. The purpose and political and legal basis of this Strategy

This Strategy is the basis for the preparation and specification of doctrinal, conceptual, programmatic and other documents that define the goals and directions of the activities of public authorities, as well as the principles and mechanisms for their interaction with organizations and citizens in the development of the information society in the Russian Federation.

This Strategy has been prepared taking into account the international obligations of the Russian Federation, the Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation, federal laws, as well as regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation that determine the directions of social and economic development, improve the efficiency of public administration and interaction of state authorities and civil society in the Russian Federation .

This Strategy takes into account the main provisions of the Okinawa Charter of the Global Information Society, the Declaration of the Principles for Building the Information Society, the Action Plan for the Tunis Commitment and other international documents adopted at the World Summit on the Information Society.

III. The purpose, objectives and principles of the development of the information society in the Russian Federation

The goal of the formation and development of the information society in the Russian Federation is to improve the quality of life of citizens, ensure the competitiveness of Russia, develop the economic, socio-political, cultural and spiritual spheres of society, improve the system of public administration based on the use of information and telecommunications technologies.

Among the main tasks that need to be addressed to achieve this goal are:

formation of modern information and telecommunication infrastructure, provision of high-quality services on its basis and ensuring a high level of accessibility of information and technologies for the population;

improving the quality of education, medical care, social protection of the population based on the development and use of information and telecommunications technologies;

improvement of the system of state guarantees of constitutional human and citizen rights in the information sphere;

the development of the economy of the Russian Federation on the basis of the use of information and telecommunication technologies;

enhancing the effectiveness of public administration and local self-government, interaction of civil society and business with public authorities, the quality and efficiency of the provision of public services;

development of science, technology and technology, training of qualified personnel in the field of information and telecommunication technologies;

the preservation of the culture of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, the strengthening of moral and patriotic principles in the public consciousness, the development of a system of cultural and humanitarian education;

counteracting the use of the potential of information and telecommunication technologies in order to threaten Russia’s national interests.

The development of the information society in the Russian Federation is based on the following principles:

partnership of the state, business and civil society;

freedom and equality of access to information and knowledge;

support of domestic producers of products and services in the field of information and telecommunication technologies;

assistance in the development of international cooperation in the field of information and telecommunication technologies;

ensuring national security in the information sphere.

To solve the tasks set, the state:

develops basic measures for the development of the information society, creates conditions for their implementation in cooperation with business and civil society;

determines the control values ​​of indicators of the development of the information society in the Russian Federation;

ensures the development of legislation and the improvement of law enforcement practices in the use of information and telecommunication technologies;

creates favorable conditions for the intensive development of science, education and culture, the development and introduction into the production of knowledge-intensive information and telecommunication technologies;

ensures the improvement of the quality and efficiency of the provision of public services to organizations and citizens on the basis of the use of information and telecommunication technologies;

creates conditions for equal access of citizens to information;

uses the opportunities of information and telecommunication technologies to strengthen the country’s defense capability and state security.

IV. The main directions of implementation of this Strategy

1. In the field of formation of a modern information and telecommunication infrastructure, the provision on its basis of high-quality services in the field of information and telecommunication technologies and ensuring a high level of accessibility of information and technologies for the population:

creation of broadband access infrastructure throughout the Russian Federation, including the use of public-private partnership mechanisms;

Increase of accessibility for the population and organizations of modern services in the field of information and telecommunication technologies;

formation of a common information space, including for solving problems of ensuring national security;

modernization of the TV and radio broadcasting system, expansion of the zone of confident reception of Russian TV and radio programs;

creation of a system of public access centers to the public information resources, including the state system of legal information.

2. In the field of improving the quality of education, medical care, social protection of the population based on the development and use of information and telecommunication technologies:

expansion of the use of information and telecommunication technologies for the development of new forms and methods of instruction, including distance education;

introduction of new methods of rendering medical care to the population, as well as remote patient care;

provision of social services to citizens throughout the Russian Federation using information and telecommunication technologies.

3. In the field of improving the system of state guarantees of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the information sphere, the main direction is the development of legislative mechanisms.

4. In the field of economic development of the Russian Federation on the basis of the use of information and telecommunication technologies:

stimulation of application by organizations and citizens of information and telecommunication technologies;

creation of conditions for the development of a competitive domestic industry of information and telecommunication technologies, computer facilities, radio electronics, telecommunications equipment and software;

attraction of investments for the development of the Russian industry of information and telecommunication technologies, as well as for the domestic electronics industry;

creation of conditions for the development of companies working in the field of electronic commerce;

development of venture financing of high-tech innovation projects in the field of information and telecommunication technologies;

stimulating the creation of new companies engaged in the production of high-tech equipment and products in the field of information and telecommunication technologies;

increase in exports of products and services in the field of information and telecommunications technologies;

increase of economic efficiency of use by Russian rightholders of objects of intellectual property;

development of the system of regional informatization.

5. In the field of increasing the effectiveness of public administration and local self-government, interaction of civil society and business with public authorities, the quality and efficiency of the provision of public services:

ensuring effective inter-agency and interregional information exchange;

integration of public information systems and resources;

increase the volume and quality of public services provided to organizations and citizens in electronic form;

improvement of regulatory and legal support for standardization and administration of public services;

improving the system of providing state and municipal services to citizens and organizations.

6. In the field of development of science, technology, technology and training of qualified personnel in the field of information and telecommunication technologies:

development of priority areas of science, technology and technology based on long-term forecasts for technological development (foresight);

creation of conditions for commercialization and introduction of the results of scientific research and experimental development, as well as expansion of exchange, scientific information;

creation of legal, organizational and other conditions for strengthening the research sector of higher education, state academies and branch science, equipping universities, scientific organizations and research centers with modern research, technological and educational equipment;

improving the quality of training specialists and creating a system of continuous training of civil servants in the field of information and telecommunications technologies.

7. In the field of the preservation of the culture of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, the strengthening of moral and patriotic principles in the public consciousness, the development of a system of cultural and humanitarian education:

the development of a system of library funds, including the Boris BN Presidential Library. Yeltsin, based on the use of information and telecommunications technologies;

support for the implementation of socially significant projects in the media;

Formation of the state order for creation and distribution of cinematographic and printed production, TV and radio programs and Internet resources in the field of culture;

support the activities of state and non-state organizations to preserve cultural and moral values, the traditions of patriotism and humanism in society;

propaganda of cultural and moral values ​​of the Russian people;

preservation of Russia’s cultural heritage, ensuring its accessibility to citizens.

8. In the field of countering the use of the potential of information and telecommunications technologies to threaten Russia’s national interests:

ensuring the security of the functioning of the information and telecommunications infrastructure;

maintenance of safety of functioning of information and telecommunication systems of key objects of an infrastructure of the Russian Federation, including critical objects and objects of the raised danger;

increasing the level of protection of corporate and individual information systems;

creation of a unified system of information and telecommunication support for the needs of state administration, defense of the country, national security and law and order;

improvement of law enforcement practice in the field of countering threats to use information and telecommunication technologies for hostile purposes;

ensuring privacy, personal and family secrets, compliance with the requirements for ensuring the security of information of limited access;

counteraction to the spread of the ideology of terrorism and extremism, propaganda of violence.

V. International cooperation in the field of information society development

The main directions of the implementation of this Strategy within the framework of international cooperation in the field of information society development are:

participation in the development of international norms of law and mechanisms regulating relations in the use of the global information infrastructure, including issues of internationalization of Internet network management;

participation in international information exchange;

participation in the formation of the international information security system, improving the interaction of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation and foreign countries in the prevention, detection, suppression and liquidation of the consequences of using information and telecommunication technologies for terrorist and other criminal purposes;

participation of the Russian Federation in international research projects on priority areas for the development of science, technology and technology;

participation in the development of international standards in the field of information and telecommunication technologies, harmonization of the national system of standards and certification in this field with the international system.

VI. Implementation of this Strategy

In order to implement this Strategy, an action plan is approved, in the development of which federal authorities, executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, representatives of business, scientific organizations and civil society take part.

The implementation of the action plan is carried out within the framework of the implementation of the respective programs at the expense of the budgets of all levels of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, as well as of extrabudgetary sources.

In order to ensure the implementation of this Strategy, monitoring and statistical observation of indicators of the development of the information society in the Russian Federation are carried out.

Based on the monitoring results, the President of the Russian Federation submits an annual national report on the state of development of the information society in the Russian Federation.


Control values ​​of indicators of the development of the information society in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015

As a result of the implementation of the main directions and activities of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy), by 2015 the following benchmarks should be achieved:

place of the Russian Federation in international ratings in the field of information society development – among the twenty leading countries of the world;

the place of the Russian Federation in international ratings on the level of availability of the national information and telecommunications infrastructure for information subjects – at least the tenth;

level of accessibility for the population of basic services in the field of information and telecommunication technologies – 100%;

share of domestic goods and services in the domestic market of information and telecommunication technologies – more than 50%;

The volume of investments in the use of information and telecommunication technologies in the national economy as compared to 2007 is no less than 2.5 times;

Reduction of differences between subjects of the Russian Federation on integrated indicators of information development – up to 2 times;

level of use of broadband access lines for 100 people of the population due to all technologies: by 2010 – 15 lines and by 2015 – 35 lines;

the availability of personal computers, including those connected to the Internet, in at least 75% of households;

share of research and development in the field of information and telecommunication technologies in the total volume of research and development work carried out at the expense of all sources of funding: by 2010 – at least 15% and by 2015 – 30%;

an increase in the share of patents granted in the field of information and telecommunications technologies in the total number of patents: by 2010 – no less than 1.5 times and by 2015 – 2 times;

the share of public services that the population can obtain using information and telecommunication technologies in the total volume of public services in the Russian Federation is 100%;

the share of electronic document circulation between public authorities in the total volume of document circulation – 70%;

the share of placed orders for the supply of goods, the performance of work and the provision of services for state and municipal needs of self-government using electronic trading platforms in the total volume of orders placed – 100%;

the share of archival funds, including funds of audio and video archives, translated into electronic form – not less than 20%;

the share of library funds transferred into electronic form in the total amount of funds of public libraries – at least 50%, including library catalogs – 100%;

the share of electronic catalogs in the total volume of catalogs of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation is 100%.

I approve
President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin

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