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The Strategy of the Russian Federation National Anti-Drug Policy until 2020

I. Introduction

1. The adoption of the Strategy for the Implementation of the National Anti-Drug Policy

of the Russian Federation in the Period Until 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the “Strategy”) was necessitated by the changes taking place in Russia and all over the world; new threats and challenges emerging from international organized crime, terrorism, extremism, emergence of new narcotic drugs and psychoactive substances (hereinafter referred to as the “drugs”); intensification of negative trends, such as a steady decline in Russia’s population, including young working-age population, caused by the growth in illegal spread of drugs.

As stated in the Russian Federation National Security Strategy for the Period Until 2020 approved by the President of the Russian Federation on 12 May 2009, one of the threats to the national security is posed by international organized crime groups involved in the illicit drug and precursor trade.

2. Current drug use situation in the Russian Federation is characterized by the expansion of illicit trade in and non-medical use of highly concentrated drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, amphetamine-type stimulants, psychoactive medical preparations; as well as by the impact of these drugs on the spread of HIV, hepatitis B and C thus posing a major threat to the national security, the national economy and the health of the population.

A key factor in the negative development of the drug use situation in the Russian Federation is the widespread opiate production in Afghanistan and subsequent cross-border trafficking of opiates to Russia.

Some regions of Russia report growing figures in the spread of drugs made from local plants and openly sold medical preparations containing narcotic substances, as well as new types of psychoactive substances that contribute to the generation of the drug-dependent forms of behavior.

The national anti-drug policy is negatively affected by the lack of a state-established drug monitoring system.

Prevention activities, medical care and medical and social rehabilitation of chronic drug users are not organized with due efficiency. The potential of public associations and religious organizations is not used adequately.

Integrated and well-balanced measures must be taken in order not only to reduce the non-medical drug use and its consequences, but also to assist in the elimination of the financial, organizational, information and other drug-dealing networks.

II. General provisions

3. The Strategy has been developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, generally accepted principles and norms of international law in the countering of illicit trade in drugs and precursors with consideration to national and international experience. The Strategy defines the goals, principles, key areas and objectives of the anti-drug use policy of the Russian Federation.

The Strategy elaborates the respective anti-drug provisions of the Russian Federation National Security Strategy for the Period Until 2020 and the Concept of the Long-Term Social and Economic Development of the Russian Federation in the Period Until 2020.

4. The main goal of the Strategy is the substantial reduction of illicit trade and non-medical use of drugs, impact of illicit trade on the safety and health of the person, the society and the state.

Decisions and measures taken by the federal authorities in the countering of illicit trade in drugs and precursors are based on the principles of legality, observance of the civil rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution, transparency, concreteness, system-based and integrated approach, preemptive measures, equality before the law and unavoidable amenability, reliance on public support, inadmissibility of substitutive addiction treatment by way of using narcotic drugs and psychoactive substances included in Lists I and II of the register of narcotic drugs, psychoactive substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation approved under Decree N681 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 30 June 1998 (hereinafter referred to as the register of narcotic drugs), as well as inadmissibility of legalization of use of certain drugs for non-medical purposes.

5. The main goal of the Strategy is attained via a balanced and justified combination of the following measures:

а) reduction in the supply of drugs by way of focused disruption of illicit drug manufacture and trade inside the country, countering of aggressive drug-dealing;

b) drug demand reduction by way of improving the prevention, medical treatment and rehabilitation networks;

c) development and enhancement of international cooperation in drug control.

6. Key strategic objectives:

а) development and introduction of the national drug monitoring system in the Russian Federation;

b) elaboration and implementation of the nationwide set of measures aimed at the disruption of illicit trade in drugs and precursors in the Russian Federation;

c) elaboration of anti-drug trafficking measures in the Russian Federation commensurate with the existing drug threat;

d) ensuring of steady government supervision over legal trade in drugs and precursors;

e) formation of the national system for the prevention of non-medical use of drugs with the priority of primary prevention measures;

f) improvement of medical aid to and rehabilitation of drug users;

g) improvement of organizational, regulatory and resource frameworks for the anti-drug activities.

7. National anti-drug policy is a set of strategic priorities and measures, as well as the activities of the federal authorities, State Anti-Drug Committee, authorities of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation, anti-drug commissions of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation and local governments aimed at the prevention, identification and disruption of illicit trade in drugs and precursors; prevention of non-medical use of drugs; medical treatment and rehabilitation of drug users.

The strategy for the implementation of the national anti-drug policy is a set of official guidelines of the national policy that define the measures to be taken by the federal authorities, authorities of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation and local governments in order to counter the illicit drug and precursor trade.

8. Anti-drug activities are the activities of the federal authorities, State Anti-Drug Committee, authorities of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation, anti-drug commissions of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation and local governments aimed at the implementation of the national anti-drug policy.

The President of the Russian Federation carries out the leadership of the anti-drug activities.

9. The agencies in charge of the anti-drug activities are:

а) State Anti-Drug Committee that coordinates the activities of the federal government authorities and anti-drug commissions in the constituent territories of the Russian Federation, as well as their cooperation with the governments of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation, local governments, public associations and organizations aimed at the implementation of the national anti-drug policy;

b) anti-drug commissions in the constituent territories of the Russian Federation and the municipalities that coordinate the activities of the regional agencies of the federal government, governments of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation and local governments, as well as their cooperation with public associations aimed at the prevention of non-medical use of drugs and the countering of illicit drug trade within the scope of their authority;

c) Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation that ensures the implementation of the national anti-drug policy, carries out the normative legal regulation, control and supervision of trade in drugs and precursors, and counters illicit trade therein;

d) Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation that elaborates the national policy and carries out the normative legal regulation in medical prevention, medical aid and medical rehabilitation of drug users, including chronic drug users, as well as pharmaceutical activities, including trade in drugs, psychoactive substances and precursors;

e) other federal government bodies in charge of countering illicit trade in drugs and precursors and preventing non-medical use of drugs within the scope of authority conferred by the President and the Government of the Russian Federation;

f) high-ranking officials (heads of the supreme executive bodies) of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation whose terms of reference include the management of anti-drug activities in the constituent territories of the Russian Federation;

g) governments of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation that ensure the implementation of the national anti-drug policy in the constituent territories of the Russian Federation;

h) local governments empowered to enforce the laws of the Russian Federation pertaining to drugs, psychoactive substances and precursors.

10. Public associations and religious organizations vested with the right to take part in the prevention of non-medical use of drugs and rehabilitation of drug users.

11. The anti-drug activities are targeted at:

a) the population of the country, first and foremost, children, adolescents, young people and their families, especially the groups subject to the risk of illicit drug and precursor trade, as well as persons using drugs for non-medical purposes and their families, chronic drug users in need of medical treatment and rehabilitation; workers of specific professional occupations or workers whose activity is related to sources of increased danger;

b) agencies and institutions engaged in legitimate trade in drugs and precursors;

c) organized crime groups involved in illicit drug and precursor trade.

III. Improvement of drug supply reduction measures

12. The key drug supply reduction measures are the organizational, law-enforcement, regulatory and international measures taken by the federal government agencies and governments of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation in charge of countering illicit drug and precursor trade, such measures coordinated by the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation and aimed at responding to illegal trafficking of drugs from abroad, as well as to illegal production, transportation and spread thereof in the country.

The main strategic threats in this sphere are: smuggling of Afghan opiates and cannabinoids from Central Asia, synthetic drugs from Western and Eastern Europe, cocaine from Latin America; illicit trade in precursors used in the production of drugs; use of domestic resource base of illegal drug production; expansion of non-medical use of psychoactive substances not subject to control measures.

13. Strategic goals of the drug supply reduction measures within the framework of the national anti-drug policy are:

a) formation of an efficient system for the protection of the country from the illegal trafficking of drugs from abroad;

b) destruction of the infrastructure for illegal production, transportation and spread of drugs inside the country;

c) liquidation of the resource base for illegal drug production in the Russian Federation;

d) prevention of transfer of narcotic drugs, psychoactive substances, precursors and superpotent substances from legal to illegal trade;

e) undermining of the economic basis for drug-related crime;

f) disruption of criminal links to international drug business;

g) disruption of corruption-related links that contribute to illicit trade in drugs and precursors;

h) disruption of trade in new drug types and uncontrolled psychoactive substances used for non-medical purposes.

14. The anti-drug smuggling system means a set of measures aimed at:

а) enhancement of border control via organizational, technical, administrative and legal regulation;

b) establishment of international cooperation with a view to increase the potential for the disruption of cultivation of drug-containing plants, production of drugs in Afghanistan and drug trafficking in transit countries.

15. Drug supply reduction measures in illicit trade are taken with consideration to the economic opportunities of the country, allocation of sufficient financial, material and other resources, including allocation of resources designated for the government agencies in charge of countering illicit trade in drugs and precursors by way of improving their technical equipment base.

Organizational drug supply reduction measures

16. When taking the drug supply reduction measures the Russian Federation proceeds from the necessity to constantly improve the measures taken by the law enforcement agencies with a view to disrupt the activities of organized crime groups (criminal associations) involved in illicit trade in drugs and precursors.

Integrated development and improvement of the activities of the government authorities in charge of countering illicit drug and precursor trade are carried out in order to ensure the reduction of drug supply.

Measures are taken with a view to enhance the social support for the officers of drug control agencies. Scientific and technical assistance is provided to the agencies in charge of countering illicit trade in drugs and precursors, and these agencies are supplied with special-purpose equipment.

A program of measures aimed at the professional training of staff in anti-drug activities is developed.

Law enforcement agencies and other government agencies cooperate with citizens and civil institutions in the countering of illicit drug and precursor trade, identification of the locations of drug-containing wild plants and facts of illegal cultivation thereof, identification and disruption of corruption-related links that contribute to the illicit trade in drugs and precursors.

Drug supply reduction measures taken by the law enforcement agencies

17. The system for the suppression of organized drug crime is developed in order to disrupt the smuggling of drugs to the Russian Federation.

The plan of law enforcement measures to be taken in cooperation with the government agencies in charge of countering illicit drug and precursor trade is drawn up in order to eliminate the infrastructure of illegal production, transportation and spread of drugs and precursors in the Russian Federation.

18. Drug pressure on the Russian Federation is eased by way of developing a set of measures that includes:

a) enhancement of the efficiency of the instruments of international cooperation;

b) enhancement of the efficiency of the border control by way of, inter alia, establishing cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of the countries that take part in the anti-drug activities;

c) strengthening of border control.

19. The Russian Federation is taking part in the measures aimed at the strengthening of “security belts” made around Afghanistan with a view to disrupt the illegal trafficking of opiates.

Agreed international preventive and investigative measures aimed at the identification and elimination of international drug trafficking channels.

Anti-drug safety is ensured by way of strengthening the state border of the Russian Federation and the borders of the customs union, enhancing their technical equipment, generating and improving controls over the goods that cross the customs border of the Russian Federation.

The system of measures of state control over foreign citizens (stateless persons) who come to or stay in the Russian Federation, especially those who come from drug-sensitive regions of the world, is improved in order to prevent illegal trafficking of drugs to the Russian Federation.

Targeted measures are taken to ensure the general safety in the offshore zones. The system of controls over the maritime cargo and passenger transportation infrastructure is being created.

Measures are taken to identify new types of psychoactive substances with a view to classify them and to have them included in Lists I, II and III of the register of narcotic drugs.

Measures are taken to disrupt the illicit drug trade during cultural and leisure events.

20. The safety of the legal drug trade in the Russian Federation is ensured by way of improving state control over such trade, precursor trade in particular.

A set of measures is formulated in order to ensure the development and production of prescription drugs containing narcotic substances (in the form of oils, band-aid etc.) that cannot be easily extracted nor used for non-medical purposes.

In destroying the resource base for illegal drug production in the Russian Federation the mechanism for the identification of illegal crops of drug-containing wild plants is being improved and the scientific methodologies for the application of chemicals in the elimination of drug-containing plants, as well as the reduction of the concentration of psychoactive substances in them are being developed.

Improvement of the regulatory framework for drug supply reduction

21. In order to ensure the health of its citizens, state and public safety the Russian Federation is improving the laws that govern the countering of the illicit drug and precursor trade.

Best international regulatory practices are implemented in this process.

Tougher administrative liability for illegal drug use and criminal liability for crimes related to illicit drug and precursor trade, including drug trade in penitentiary institutions and places of educational, sports, cultural, leisure or other public events, are introduced.

The Russian Federation is taking measures to ensure that the public informs the government agencies in charge of countering illicit trade in drugs and precursors of the facts of such trade.

Comprehensive measures are taken with a view to improve the activities of the government agencies that counter illicit trade in drugs and precursors and undermine the economic base of drug-related crime.

IV. Improvement of the measures aimed at drug demand reduction

22. The set of drug demand reduction measures is aimed at the improvement of the health of the population of the Russian Federation by way of restraining the use of drugs and psychoactive substances and the negative social consequences of such use. The key measures in this set are the social, administrative and medical preventive measures that include:

а) establishment of the state system for the prevention of non-medical use of drugs;

b) drug treatment;

c) medical and social rehabilitation of chronic drug users.

23. The main threats in this sphere are:

а) widespread public tolerance towards non-medical drug use;

b) increase in the number of people involved in non-medical drug use;

c) low efficiency of medical, educational, psychological and social aid to chronic drug users;

d) reduction in the number of specialized drug treatment medical institutions, low number of drug rehabilitation clinics in the constituent territories of the Russian Federation, as well as deficit in medical psychologists, social experts, social workers and other staff engaged in medical and social rehabilitation;

e) inadequate access to medical and social rehabilitation of chronic drug users;

f) increase in the number of persons who resumed non-medical drug use after treatment and rehabilitation;

g) displacement of personal orientation towards consumptive values;

h) limited supply of vacancies for young people in the labor market;

i) inefficient organization of leisure activities for children, adolescents and young people.

State system for the prevention of non-medical drug use

24. State system for the prevention of non-medical drug use is a set of political, economic, legal, social, medical, educational, cultural, sports and other measures aimed at the prevention of emergence and spread of non-medical drug use and drug addiction.

The strategic goal of the system is to limit the scope of non-medical use of drugs, generate a negative attitude towards illicit drug use and trade and ensure a substantial reduction of demand for drugs.

25. This goal is attained by way of addressing the following key issues:

а) generation of negative public attitude towards non-medical use of drugs by way of, inter alia, holding aggressive anti-drug campaigns, countering illegal advertising and promotion of drugs and other psychoactive substances, increasing the level of public awareness of the negative consequences of non-medical drug use and the liability for involvement in illicit drug trade, implementing an efficient information policy in the mass media;

b) arrangements for and holding of prevention events in the groups subject to the risk of non-medical use of drugs;

c) prevention work in organized (worker and student) teams;

d) development of the system for timely identification of illegal drug users, in particular, identification in the course of annual medical checks;

e) establishment of public incentives for participation in anti-drug activities; development of and government assistance to anti-drug volunteer youth movement, anti-drug public associations and organizations engaged in preventing drug addiction;

f) formulation of personal liability for one’s own behavior ensuring a reduction in demand for drugs;

g) generation of psychological immunity for drug use among schoolchildren, their parents and teachers.

26. The system for the prevention of non-medical drug use is formed by the state authorities at all levels, local governments, public associations and religious organizations, individuals, including specialists of educational, medical and cultural institutions, volunteers from youth organizations.

Measures within the framework of the system are designated for all population categories, especially for children and young people living in unfavorable family or social conditions or having difficulties in their lives, as well as for the groups subject to the risk of non-medical use of drugs.

27. One of the preferable areas in the anti-drug activities is the inclusion of sections dedicated to the prevention of addiction to psychoactive substances in the basic and supplementary educational programs of secondary and vocational schools, as well as programs designated for the following target audiences (hereinafter referred to as “target programs”):

а) children and adolescents not older than 17 (schoolchildren, pupils of various educational institutions, convicts educated in the juvenile correctional facilities);

b) young people not older than 30;

c) employable population;

d) conscripts and servicemen.

28. In taking prevention measures preference must be given to a combination of individual and team work methods, as well as to the methods of direct and indirect influence on the persons from the groups of non-medical drug use risk, examination and identification of the psychological potential of a person, assistance to young people in making them aware of their goals in life.

It is also necessary to elaborate the mechanisms for social partnership between government institutions and Russian corporations, public associations and organizations in the course of the anti-drug measures.

Drug treatment

29. Medical treatment of the persons using drugs for non-medical purposes is provided in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws of the Russian Federation that govern public health care.

30. The present-day drug treatment system is characterized by:

а) low efficiency of drug treatment;

b) decrease in the quantity of state-run medical institutions specializing in drug treatment and in the quality of their staffing;

c) inadequate financial and technical supply of the drug treatment process.

31. The strategic goal of the national drug treatment policy is the timely identification and treatment of illicit drug users, improvement of addiction treatment, improvement in the access to and the quality of such treatment, attainment of a lower level of drug-related mortality.

32. Key measures to be taken in order to enhance the efficiency of drug treatment and contribute to the development thereof:

а) drafting and approval of the drug treatment procedure and standards;

b) improvement of the legal, economic and other frameworks for mandatory addiction treatment, including cooperation between institutions and information support of such cooperation;

c) drafting of a state program for scientific research in drug treatment;

d) prevention of substitutive addiction treatment by way of using narcotic drugs and psychoactive substances included in Lists I and II of the register of narcotic drugs, as well as legalization of the non-medical use of certain drugs;

e) improvement of the methods of diagnosing drug addiction, medical examination and treatment of chronic drug users;

f) regular training of specialists in drug treatment, increasing the awareness of the primary level healthcare specialists in drug treatment matters;

g) increase in the funding of the state-run drug treatment institutions located in the constituent territories of the Russian Federation and drug treatment divisions of the municipal healthcare institutions from the budgets of all levels;

h) enhancement of social guarantees for the employees of drug treatment institutions.

Rehabilitation of chronic drug users

33. The rehabilitation of chronic drug users is defined as the set of medical, psychological, educational, legal and social measures aimed at the recovery of physical, mental, spiritual and social health, as well as the social reintegration without drug use.

34. The present-day system of rehabilitation of chronic drug users is characterized by:

а) imperfect regulatory framework for the rehabilitation of chronic drug users;

b) inadequate funding of the rehabilitation divisions of the drug treatment institutions from the budgets of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation;

c) insignificant number and understaffing of rehabilitation centers and rehabilitation divisions of the existing drug treatment institutions in the constituent territories of the Russian Federation;

d) underdevelopment of the system of incentives for the participation of non-medical drug users in rehabilitation programs and the mechanism for the selection of participants in such programs;

e) low efficiency of medical and social measures that ensure the recovery of socially significant personal resources of a chronic drug user and his subsequent socialization;

f) absence of the environment for the social and labor reintegration of those who take part in the rehabilitation programs.

35. The strategic goal of the national chronic drug user rehabilitation policy is to generate a multi-level system for the access of chronic drug users to rehabilitation programs, reinstatement of their social and public status, improvement of life quality and increase of longevity.

36. The key areas in the development of medical and social rehabilitation of chronic drug users in the Russian Federation are:

а) establishment of drug rehabilitation centers (sections) in the constituent territories of the Russian Federation;

b) adequate financing of drug treatment clinics and other specialized drug treatment facilities in the constituent territories of the Russian Federation enabling them to establish rehabilitation divisions;

c) improvement in the staffing of rehabilitation centers (sections) and divisions with a view to ensure team approach to work with chronic drug users;

d) regular training and retraining of specialists (addiction psychiatrists, psychotherapists, medical psychologists, social workers, social specialists) in medical and social rehabilitation of chronic drug users;

e) provision of wider access to medical and social rehabilitation for chronic drug users, as well as for drug users seeking medical aid;

f) establishment of the system for training and employment of chronic drug users who have undergone the medical and social rehabilitation;

g) elaboration of the criteria for the assessment of the performance of rehabilitation centers (sections) and non-medical rehabilitation organizations;

h) improvement of the methods of medical and social rehabilitation of chronic drug users;

i) generation of the legal framework ensuring the use of the potential of traditional religious affiliations, as well as non-governmental and public organizations in the state-run rehabilitation system;

j) introduction of state control over the activities of non-medical rehabilitation institutions regardless of their from of ownership;

k) generation of an efficient mechanism for state support of scientific research in the rehabilitation of chronic drug users, development and introduction of innovative programs of rehabilitation and reintegration of chronic drug users;

l) formation of the network informing the public of the spectrum of rehabilitation services rendered at national, regional and municipal levels;

m) generation of incentives for the participation of non-medical drug users in rehabilitation programs;

n) elaboration of the procedures of targeted assistance to the relatives of those who take part in the rehabilitation programs so as to create the socially positive environment for the persons undergoing rehabilitation;

o) elaboration of the procedures of state support to the institutions providing social and labor reintegration of the persons taking part in rehabilitation programs.

37. The key measure aimed at the development of medical and social rehabilitation of chronic drug users is the drafting of the relevant program which intends to introduce low-cost technologies and out-patient rehabilitation, including labor workshops, in the work of regional rehabilitation institutions, as well as to supply them with the equipment for consultative assistance, diagnosing and recovery.

V. Key areas of international cooperation

38. The strategic goals of international cooperation in the drug control are:

а) multilateral and bilateral cooperation with other countries, regional and international organizations, including the expansion of the requisite contracting and legal frameworks;

b) enhancement of the existing international drug control system based on the relevant UN conventions, resolutions of the UN Security Council, General Assembly and other UN institutions.

39. These goals are attained by way of deploying an efficient international anti-drug cooperation system in the Russian Federation as a means of coordinating the efforts of all those who are involved in anti-drug activities.

40. The top priorities for the Russian Federation in the international drug control cooperation are:

а) standing up to the global drug threat with consideration to the principled position of the Russian Federation in respect of the central coordinating role of the UN and its Security Council in the struggle against new challenges and threats in this sphere;

b) concentration of efforts in the struggle against smuggling of opiates and cannabinoids from Afghanistan and Central Asia;

c) enhancement of the role of Russia in the technical assistance to Afghsanistan and other countries of West and Central Asia in withstanding the Afghan drug threat;

d) targeted forecasting and elimination of threats to the national security of the Russian Federation related to other drug types, including synthetic drugs;

e) development of regional cooperation in drug control using the potential of such international organizations as Collective Security Treaty Organization, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Commonwealth of Independent States, Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism etc., in the context, inter alia, of the strengthening of anti-drug and financial “security belts” around Afghanistan;

f) comprehensive examination of drug control issues, including supply and demand reduction, and elaboration of joint efforts with a view to address these issues in the contacts with the G8, particularly with the representatives of the US, EU, NATO and the relevant international organizations of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

VI. Organizational, legal and resource frameworks of the anti-drug activities in the Russian Federation.

Strategy implementation controls

41. Improvement of organizational, legal and resource frameworks of the anti-drug activities in the Russian Federation is carried out with a view to raise the level of coordination of the agencies involved in the anti-drug activities and the quality of the quality of their work in the spheres of countering illicit drug trade in the Russian Federation, prevention of non-medical use of drugs, treatment and rehabilitation of drug users.

42. Improvement of organizational support of anti-drug activities will contribute to:

а) establishment of the state system for the monitoring of the drug situation in the Russian Federation;

b) development and implementation of federal and regional target programs in the countering of drug abuse and illicit drug trade;

c) enhancement of the role of anti-drug commissions in the constituent territories of the Russian Federation with regard to making the resolutions of such commissions mandatory for the federal authorities, regional agencies of the federal government, governments of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation and local governments;

d) segregation of powers between federal authorities, governments of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation and local governments with regard to the measures aimed at the prevention of non-medical use of dugs and drug-related crimes, as well as the anti-drug propaganda;

e) establishment of cooperation of law enforcement and other state agencies with individuals and civil institutions in the countering of non-medical use of and illicit trade in drugs;

f) establishment of a state scientific research center with affiliates in the federal districts working on the basis of interdisciplinary approach and promoting up-to-date international methods of anti-drug policy implementation.

43. Improvement of the regulatory framework for anti-drug activities stipulates the following:

а) improvement of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the key strategic areas of the national anti-drug policy;

b) improvement of criminal laws of the Russian Federation in respect of the harmonization of dispositive norms with the penal sanctions depending on the gravity of the offences, wider use of administrative prejudgment, establishment of a more flexible system of punishment with a differentiation of liability;

c) introduction of the norms of law of the Russian Federation that allow the defendants, chronic drug users and individuals found guilty of minor drug-related crimes to make a choice between medical treatment and criminal sanction, and also allow to set out the controls over the medical treatment obligations taken by such individuals and the liability for a failure to fulfill them;

d) administrative and legal regulation of the activities of legal entities and individuals whose actions may contribute to a spread of non-medical use of drugs, especially in the risk groups;

e) introduction of changes in the laws of the Russian Federation that allow to have the issues related to the non-medical drug use prevention activities of local governments included in the local top priority lists;

f) improvement of the information and informatization laws of the Russian Federation with regard to the countering of drug use advocacy and more active engagement of mass media in the promotion of healthy life-style;

g) stimulation of the development of the international laws that govern anti-drug cooperation, improvement and harmonization of national laws of the countries engaged in the anti-drug activities;

h) creation of the legislative and legal environment allowing to promote drug use prevention in the mass media;

i) legal regulation of the activities of non-medical organizations of various forms of ownership and individuals in the prevention of non-medical use of drugs and rehabilitation of chronic drug users.

44. The set of relevant strategy planning documents (national programs on the prevention of non-medical use of drugs and the countering of illicit trade therein, Strategy implementation plans, regional target and comprehensive programs) is made up by the Government of the Russian Federation, State Anti-Drug Committee, federal authorities concerned and the authorities of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, legislative acts of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

45. An integrated interdepartmental data bank of the federal authorities concerned containing the data that allow to timely respond to changes in the drug situation in the Russian Federation and promptly adopt justified decisions is designated to become the information base of the Strategy.

46. State Anti-Drug Committee exercises control over the implementation of the Strategy and the findings are reflected in the annual report of the State Anti-Drug Committee to be submitted to the President of the Russian Federation.

The Strategy is implemented at the federal level in accordance with the plan of the relevant measures.

State Anti-Drug Committee interviews the officials of the federal authorities and the authorities of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation on the status of the Strategy implementation at its meetings.

The Strategy is implemented at regional and municipal levels in the form of anti-drug programs of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation and anti-drug plans of the local governments.

Expectations and risks

47. Expected results of the Strategy implementation:

а) major reduction in drug supply and demand;

b) major contraction of the scope of consequences of illicit drug trade;

c) establishment and operation of the state system for the monitoring of drug situation in the Russian Federation;

d) establishment and operation of the state system for the prevention of non-medical use of drugs;

e) up-to-date system of medical treatment and rehabilitation of chronic drug users;

f) strategic plans aimed at the disruption of illegal spread of drugs and precursors to be implemented at the federal level and in the constituent territories of the Russian Federation;

g) set of effective measures of countering drug trafficking in the Russian Federation;

h) reliable state control over the he legal trade in drugs and precursors;

i) generation of organizational, regulatory and resource frameworks for the anti-drug activities.

48. Manageable risks: deterioration of borderline surveillance in the Russian Federation; reduction of the number of medical institutions specializing in drug treatment and the number of addiction psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers; lowering of accessibility, quality and efficiency of measures aimed at non-medical drug use prevention, medical treatment and rehabilitation of drug users.

Partly manageable risks: generation of tolerable social attitude to illicit drug trade, discrediting of the anti-drug activities of the relevant federal authorities and the authorities of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation; intensification of efforts to legalize the substitutive addiction treatment using narcotic drug preparations and promotion of drug use under the pretext of syringe replacement; increase of the number of people involved in illegal drug use.

Non-manageable risks: rise in crime (including transnational crime) in illicit drug and precursor trade with the emergence of new smuggling channels; higher levels of illegal migration; emergence of new narcotic drugs and narcogenic psychoactive substances in illicit trade.

Countermeasures: improvement of anti-drug activities based on the assessment of the nature, scope and consequences of the negative impact on the key goals and objectives of the Strategy.

Final provisions

49. The Strategy is to be implemented within the period from 2010 to 2020 by way of consolidating the efforts and resources of the society in whole, authorities at all levels, public associations and citizens.

Consistent increase in the expenditures on the state support to anti-drug activities in all relevant areas is stipulated in order to attain the objectives of the Strategy.

50. Expenditures on the state support to anti-drug activities are financed from the federal budget, budgets of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation, local budgets and other sources of funds allowed under the laws of the Russian Federation.

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