The Ministerial Council is the central decision-making and governing body of the OSCE. The meeting, held annually, provides the Foreign Ministers of the 57 OSCE participating States an opportunity to review and assess the Organization’s activities and strengthen the dialogue on security issues in the OSCE area.
Due to the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, for the first time, the Ministerial Council will be held via video teleconferencing (VTC).
Advance accreditation of media representatives is mandatory. The deadline for registration is 17:00, 1 December 2020. Accreditation will be granted following self-registration via https://events.osce.org/2020-osce-ministerial-council-press-and-media/registration/Site/Register.
Thursday, 3 December 2020
10:00 – 13:00 Opening session
Formal opening and adoption of the agenda
Address by the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office
Address by the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Report by the OSCE Secretariat
First plenary session
Statements by heads of delegations
15:00 – 18:00 Second plenary session
Statements by heads of delegations
Friday, 4 December 2020
10:00 – 13:00 Third plenary session
Statements by heads of delegations
Adoption of Ministerial Council documents and decisions (closed session)
Closing statements by delegations
Any other business
Closing session
Formal closure (statements by the current and incoming Chair-in-Office)
13:30 Press conference
Follow the Ministerial Council on Twitter at @OSCE, @AlMissionVienna and #OSCEMC20 for up-to-date news and information.