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Declaration of the International Forum «Development of Parliamentarism»

We, the participants of the International Forum “Development of Parliamentarism„, convened in Moscow on the initiative of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation,

embracing the understanding that a legislative institution elected by the people is fundamental for modern democratic societies,

acknowledging that multilateral interparliamentary collaboration improves understanding among nations and establishes channels for dialogue, conductive to well-balanced, predictable, and mutually beneficial intergovernmental relations,

seeking to further deepen and intensify interparliamentary links to promote the unifying international cooperation agenda, conductive to the best interests of nations, and engage institutions of civil society, and expert and academic community,

taking into account the common desire to strengthen interaction between legislative bodies and the exchange of expertise and best practices in order to enhance law-making,

having discussed the role of parliaments in seeking adequate responses to modern challenges facing the international community, declare the following:

we, the participants of the International Forum “Development of Parliamentarism„,

acknowledge the importance of inclusive equitable cooperation among nations and their alliances to ensure global sustainable development, international and regional security and stability, establish safe and open global information space, and strengthen collective efforts in countering terrorism and other common challenges and threats;

encourage to use the interparliamentary cooperation channels to facilitate de-escalation of tensions in international relations, decrease confrontation and conflict potential, strengthen cooperation to eliminate existing threats to peace and security;

note the expansion of parliamentary support to the establishment of a polycentric and fair world order under the United Nations leadership, comprehensive improvement of the global economic governance, ensuring stable and dynamic growth, as well as cooperation in cultural and humanitarian areas for the common good;

intend to continue coordination of parliamentary activities on legislative support of innovative regulation areas related to transition to the new technological economic order and rapid digitization of all spheres of life; to closely cooperate in the formulation of common rules and uniform standards for exchange and protection of information, introduction of digital technologies in state governance, social sphere in the interests of improving quality of life of people;

welcome the synergy of efforts of parliamentarians, opinion leaders, representatives of academic, cultural and internet communities, to strengthen commitment to universal respect for the fundamental human rights and freedoms and human dignity;

condemn the practice of application of unilateral restrictions and other repressive measures including those aimed at parliamentarians and media, bypassing the United Nations, as contradicting international law, the spirit of parliamentarism, and disrupting the framework of mutual trust.

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