Home » Legislative Activity » Statements and Appeals of the State Duma » On the Statement of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation “On the Necessity of Immediate Creation of an International Anti-Terrorist Coalition”

On the Statement of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation “On the Necessity of Immediate Creation of an International Anti-Terrorist Coalition”

Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation share the feelings of mourning for the people of France and compassion for the families and friends of numerous victims of the attacks of the terrorist organization “Islamic State” unprecedented in scale and severity in Paris. They were preceded by terrorist acts in the Near and Middle East and North Africa. Hundreds of dead and injured in just one month in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Turkey, the blood and violence that swept the streets of Beirut and Paris cause genuine indignation and require immediate action aimed at curbing terror.

Recent events confirm the correctness of repeated warnings from the Russian Federation that the constant destabilization of the situation in the Middle East by those who pretend to global domination, primarily the United States of America, will result in an expansion of the zone of bloody chaos and numerous human tragedies.

It is obvious that the irresponsible and vicious policy of the West, conducted under the slogan of exporting democracy, has already led to the emergence and strengthening of the so-called Islamic state, and attempts to use radical groups as a ram to overthrow undesirable regimes are fraught with further negative scenarios. In the event that urgent and effective measures, including military ones, are not taken, chaos in the Middle East and North Africa threatens to overwhelm neighboring states and regions of the world with a wave of violence and terror.

Terrorists who call themselves the “Islamic state” declared a real war not only for Syria and Iraq, but also for France and other states participating in counter-terrorist operations.
At present, France and other European states, in fact, pay for the short-sighted and self-serving policy of Washington. It has long been time that the responsible states of the world, throwing aside tactical differences, took the path of creating a broad coalition to fight terrorism following the example of the anti-Hitler coalition, which became a true example of the unification of many countries and peoples against a common enemy. Today this enemy is international terrorism, the militants of the terrorist organizations “Islamic State”, “Al-Qaida”, the Front “An-Nusra” and related groups.

Only by establishing effective coordination of isolated counterterrorism actions, eliminating all the possibilities for financial support of terrorists (including by stopping the purchase of stolen oil or ancient works of art and culture), only ensuring the inevitability of criminal prosecution and punishment of all terrorists and their accomplices to achieve victory over this unconditional evil.

Deputies of the State Duma are convinced that there is a need to unite the efforts of the entire world community against terrorism. Only such an association will stop the terror that is spreading before our eyes.

In this regard, the State Duma deputies urge parliamentarians from Europe, North America, the Middle East and other regions of the world to do everything in their power to create an international anti-terrorist coalition. To this we are bound by the need to protect human lives and a moral obligation to the victims of terror.

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