We promised people to tell the truth about the most painful issues. The “LDPR Honest Plan” includes thousands of problems, but two issues stand out – problems with migrants and price tags in stores.
That’s why I told the President about our initiative to ban migrants from bringing their families to Russia in order to reduce the burden on social infrastructure and tension in society.
And also about our bill on fair prices, which will oblige sellers to indicate the cost per multiple of a product, for example, per liter or kilogram.
This is what people are asking for!
In addition, I handed over two packages of bills to the President – on supporting SVO participants and their family members, and on demography. The initiatives implemented in the Year of the Family have not yet yielded tangible results in increasing the birth rate, so we propose fine-tuning the measures. I asked to instruct the Government to work on them. The President handed them over for work.
As promised to our guys, I presented Vladimir Vladimirovich with chevrons from the BARS-Bryansk and Dnepr brigades. The LDPR is fully responsible for their combat support, as it helps other fighters at the front, residents of new regions and border territories. Vladimir Vladimirovich conveyed his best wishes to the fighters.
We exchanged opinions with the President on the preparation of the 80th anniversary of Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s birthday. Thank you again, Vladimir Vladimirovich, for supporting our initiatives to perpetuate the memory of the Founder of the LDPR.