In the work of the 6th international forum “Russia is a sports power”, the famous ice-skating Olympic champion, and now the State Duma deputy Svetlana Zhurova took a very active and lively part. Including in the extensive business program dedicated to the promotion of the revitalized in the country’s GTO complex. There, on the forum, Svetlana received the official status of the federal ambassador of the GTO. In an interview with “R-Sport” agency she shared her thoughts that the GTO is a good motivator for self-improvement and a good reason for self-esteem.
– Svetlana, now you are also the Ambassador of the GTO. Congratulations! What will you do with it? .. How are you going to promote the ideas of the GTO in life?
– For me, as for a person who communicates with people every day – both live and in social networks, it is important to see a response. I, in fact, prior to the dedication, in fact, acted as ambassador, visiting various GTO events in different regions. And, of course, when you yourself participate in this and see with what enthusiasm people are included in the movement, it is inspiring. I always liked the idea of a revival of the GTO. As I said at the opening of the forum, this is especially important for me, because I have two boys who have already reached the “age of the GTO”. And the senior has a subject in school “Preparation for the GTO.” Frankly: I am happy when I see this item in the timetable that hangs in my house on the wall. And he really likes him. By the way, we compete periodically. For example, in pull-up. That’s how he began to train, because my mother was pulling more than he. This is very useful when parents can show such an example. I, too, can press and pound a weight … You know, here at a conference on a complex of GTO, a speaker from Siberia told about his grandmother, who is 90 years old and who has met the standards of the GTO. And out of this, a whole action was made: if the 90-year-old grandmother is so strong, why did not you do it yet? .. And I understand that the people were really shocked. You can not think of better propaganda! Therefore it’s great that the GTO sign has such a wide spread in age and that the complex can unite both young children and the older generation.
– And with this, the tests are adapted to the age. And there is a choice: to ski or swim, throw or shoot …
– Yes, it’s good when there is a choice, because you can be stronger in something, and in something weaker. And many already understand: in order to get the GTO sign, one must prepare. And it is not given to everyone, it must also be understood. From the first time to pass the test is not easy. But there are second and third attempts, which, perhaps, will be crowned with success. And it is right! This is the point – not just to make and forget, but to train to improve your result, develop physically, set new goals.
– We watched here as the silver prize-winner of the 2002 Olympics in single figure skating Irina Slutskaya exercise on the press did on the site of the GTO, without preparation. It would seem that 26 times – cool, and this is only a silver sign … And you, when you learned that you will become the Ambassador of the GTO, thought that you have to pass the test of the complex?
– I hope that I will not be able to meet the standards in my age group of problems. I try to actively engage in sports – recently I participated in the “Race of Heroes”, which is no less difficult than the testing of the GTO, and I realized that I need to train more. There are moments that give you to understand that the strength may not be enough. In general, you need to keep yourself in shape on all counts, especially since the GTO is a complex that requires you to be strong in everything if you want to fight for a sign. In fact, the GTO complex includes what a healthy person needs for the normal functioning of the body, which allows him to be in good shape. Stretching, flexibility, endurance, strength, good coordination – it’s all there. And the GTO’s testing allows everyone to assess their reserves.
– But will you still prepare for the tests or do you want to “diagnose” yourself as it is?
– I think that most of the standards I can definitely go through without training, although I do not know what the numbers are. Here at the GTO conference one person asked: “I am 70 (years), and in the category for 50-year-olds I can perform tests for a gold sign. What should I do? “He was told:” Change your passport, because your biological age does not match the age of the documents. ” And yet we need to see what standards are set for my age.
– Yana Churikova, by the way, was the first of the GTO ambassadors to perform the whole complex of tests. On the golden sign! It can be said that she challenged everyone, especially since she is still a TV presenter, not an athlete …
– Then I will definitely train! (Laughs) I think we all want to check ourselves. Although when high-qualified athletes are told: “you definitely have to”, it seems to me that this is an anomaly. And so it is clear that with the GTO’s tests they will cope. The point is not to prove to ordinary people that athletes are stronger. And if, say, a sportsman just finished his career in sports yesterday, it’s probably a bit ridiculous to test it on the GTO complex. Is that for example. But if he has long since left the training and is doing sports just for health, then let him try himself! And others will be an example.
– If you are invited to the school as an Ambassador of the GTO, will you go tell and show? ..
– I’ll go necessarily! Especially since I head the governing board of the school – I definitely have to go and inspire me with my own example of records.
– Listen, well, then you need to raise the State Duma for the GTO …
– The State Duma is already in the GTO! Since the very first year both the State Duma apparatus and deputies have been attracted to this. The only thing, I always said that it should be voluntary. Everyone must decide whether he wants to know what he is capable of or not.
– The forum was talked about the program “Russia-2030”, about the growth of the birth rate, the foundation that must be laid now for the physical education of a very young generation … How do you in this regard assess the chances of the GTO that in the next 10-15 years to enter into our life? And can you, in your opinion, feel the result of this direction of state policy for such a period, expressed not in numbers and signs, but in improving the health of Russians?
– People should have good motivation, then there will be a result. We are so arranged that we need to understand why we are doing something, striving for something. And the GTO has a hook that can hook us. The complex is arranged so that a person who has not managed to pass the standard this time will try the next. Or he will win a silver sign, and in the next step he will set himself the goal of taking the gold. In this regard, the GTO is a very good motivator. Here the children have different competitions in which they participate in school or already at a higher level – in children’s sports schools. But if we are talking about mass sports, then there is still no competition for adults, to which they could prepare so that their achievements are appreciated at the state level too. Imagine, a year a person runs around, squeezes out in the park, and more often than not for health – it’s also self-realization. Now, for example, is very fashionable triathlon, cross-country and ski marathons. I never thought that there would be so many participants in the marathon in Moscow! Now I see that people, even with disabilities, are happy to go out on these races. And we see a powerful, just fantastic support for the audience! I myself was amazed at the enthusiasm with which people were not rooting for famous sportsmen, but for ordinary people who, among the latter, were finishing the run for the “top ten”. Someone is already on foot, but most importantly – to the end! And not for the sake of result – it is important that you did it. A few years ago no one could have guessed what would happen. And with running, and with skis. And this winter, I think, skiers will become even more. This became necessary for our society.
– It seems to me that this is also a fashion. And the producers of sports goods are heating up interest, and those who are doing business in sports … And the GTO complex, on the one hand, has already appeared after it, on the other hand, it does not require any equipment, it is open to everyone, it works for all groups muscles, and it seems, indeed can become a catalyst for a surge in interest in physical education and sports …
– Agree. And I repeat that the main thing in the GTO is an element of competition. A person can not just do sports, he needs to see the result. Or the goal. Even if it is a desire to please a girl or a young man. Of course, having a good figure, being tightened, radiating health, you become more competitive. But even steeper, when you pass all the tests, you get a mark of difference of the GTO, you can share this joy with your friends, and if you also get points for the USE for him on admission, this is another reason to say to myself “I’m done”. Reason for self-esteem, which people need.