Home » Press » Video » The federal election headquarters of the LDPR has been working for almost a month without a break for the holidays

The federal election headquarters of the LDPR has been working for almost a month without a break for the holidays

Today I gave a tour for journalists. We talked with regional headquarters in videoconferencing mode. We discussed the work of propaganda buses. Now they are in 8 regions and have already passed through more than 40 settlements. There are a lot of appeals and instructions that we will use in our work. More than 35 thousand people have already taken part in the All-Russian citizen survey. The buses are accompanied by party activists and local deputies.
Very warm response from the population.

The headquarters operates a call center that receives calls from all over Russia. Many people want to join our team, ask how to support us, some share their pressing problems in housing and communal services, education, and medicine. We try to help everyone, we involve our regional deputies, and we do not leave a single request unanswered.

The headquarters works every day. If you have creative ideas, we will be happy to listen to them and include them in the election program. You can come to the headquarters, or you can do it online on the website slutsky2024.rf.

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