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The return of Crimea home – unchanged and forever

Today is the tenth anniversary of the general decision of the Crimeans to return to Russia. This historical event is forever etched in the memory of our country.

Ten years have passed, but the emotions remain unchanged. We have done a lot of work, but there is still more to be done. Many important infrastructure projects have already been implemented, but we do not stop there. After all, there is a war nearby, and it is important for us to be ready to defend our land from any threats.

I am grateful to the Crimeans for the high honor – the title of Honorary Citizen of the Republic of Crimea. We are together forever, shoulder to shoulder, for Russia, for our Victory.

Congratulations to everyone for whom Crimea is the same place of power as mine, to everyone for whom there is no Russia without Crimea and Sevastopol! We are strong together, and we still have many victories ahead!

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